قبول من اصن نبودم مواظب تو ولی تو مثه مرد باش پاشو مبارزه کن میگی دلیل翻訳 - قبول من اصن نبودم مواظب تو ولی تو مثه مرد باش پاشو مبارزه کن میگی دلیل英語言う方法

قبول من اصن نبودم مواظب تو ولی تو م

قبول من اصن نبودم مواظب تو
ولی تو مثه مرد باش پاشو مبارزه کن
میگی دلیل تموم مشکلات تو منم
باشه هرجور که می خوای محاکمه کن
اصن من باعث همه مسیرای کجتم
اصن من باعث همه رفیقای بدتم
من دلیل غمتم
من الکل شبتم
من باعث سه تا خط کج رو دست چپتم
من بودم که مردم
من زندگیتو بردم
این من بودم که حتی عشق تو رو کشتم
من بودم که گه زدم تو روزای با حال تو
من گرفتم حتی ازت دوستای پا کارت و
من بودم که ظلم می کردم به تنو باور تو
منم حتی دلیل غم پدر و مادر تو
منم حتی دلیل کبودی رو تن تو
منم حتی دلیل ریزش موهای سرتو
منم حتی دلیل شروع به هیپ هاپ و رپتو
من یادمه قشنگ اولین روز هد زدنتو
من بودم می گفتم لای کلمه ها تب کنی
هر اعتراضی داری بنویسی و رپ کنی
من بودم می گفتم که تو نباید صبر کنی
باید همیشه تند بری حتی اگه چپ کنی
من بودم می گفتم که تو نباید صبر کنی
باید همیشه تند بری حتی اگه چپ کنی
نگاه تو از رو ایینه رو تصویر من ننداز
هر اتفاقی افتاده تقصیر من ننداز
تو بیست و یک ساله فقط یه تصویری تو ایینه
هر اتفاقی افتاده تقصیر من ننداز
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I accept you asn I lookout But you are mthh man bash pasho fight now You're saying you're fucked because of problems I I tried hrjur which do you want me I مسیرای all کجتم asn I رفیقای all bdetm asn I ghmetm I shbatm alcohol I got the three to make a crooked line of hand-chpetm I was that people I found زندگیتو I love this I even got کشتم I was that I had with you, you روزای shit I got my card and my friends n even foot I was that I would believe you to teno cruelty That's sad because even you parents I even got bruises because of the tone you That's because even the hair loss sarto Thats the reason even to start hip-hop and rpto I remember the first day of the cheesy head zdento I was told you can ooze words tab Not write any significant protest and Kenny rap I was told you that you should not wait for Kenny Must always be spicy Berry even if left alone I was told you that you should not wait for Kenny Must always be spicy Berry even if left alone You look at the image I got of Mau nendase Whatever happened my fault nendase You are twenty-one years old just got a video you Mau Whatever happened my fault nendase
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I agree with you, be careful not Asn
But you stand up and fight like a man up
because of all the problems you tell me
that you're going to be howsoever trial now
I make all Msyray Kjtm Asn
Asn I make all Rfyqay Bdtm
Ghmtm me because
I Shbtm alcohol
caused me three line Chptm tilt've got
people I
took your life I
It was I who killed you even love
me who I shit you had your days with
my friends, I even foot N card and
I believe that violence was the Tenno you,
I even sad because your parents
I even got bruises because of you
I even your head because of hair loss
due to hip-hop and Rptv I even
remember my first nice day Zdntv head
I'm like a fever through the words you
have any objection to write and rap Kenny
, I'd say that you should wait
should always go fast even if you left
I would say that you should not wait
to go fast even if it left you should always
look at you from the mirror the image I Nndaz
all my fault happened Nndaz
twenty-one-year-old you are you just a mirror image
of my fault happened Nndaz
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
I ACCEPT اصن I watch you
but you like man sit up campaign -
because you say over the problems you resurrection
okay if you like that you want - trial
اصن i cause all مسیرای کجتم
اصن i cause all رفیقای بدتم
i why غمتم
i alcohol was critical شبتمI made three line to everything malformed hand چپتم
i people
I زندگیتو
i i i even love you snake
i i i i i you روزای with you
i got even your foot دوستای card and
i that oppression, I believe تنو was critical youI am even sad because your father and mother
resurrection even why the bruise of your resurrection
even reason or hair
should die if anything happened i even reason began to hip-hop and رپتو
i i remember the first beautiful day it زدنتو
i said through the word you fever was criticalEvery you protesting بنویسی Rap and you
I said that you should wait until you
must always fast carpentry even if you left
I said that you should wait until you
must always fast carpentry even if you left
you look from the rear view mirror image i was critical نندازEvery happened my fault ننداز
you twenty and one year just got the image you
rear view mirror every happened my fault ننداز
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