حکم قصاص چشم مرد اسیدپاش امروز اجرا می‌شودحکم قصاص چشم مردی که متهم اس翻訳 - حکم قصاص چشم مرد اسیدپاش امروز اجرا می‌شودحکم قصاص چشم مردی که متهم اس英語言う方法

حکم قصاص چشم مرد اسیدپاش امروز اجرا

حکم قصاص چشم مرد اسیدپاش امروز اجرا می‌شود
حکم قصاص چشم مردی که متهم است با پاشیدن اسید روی مردی دیگر باعث نابینایی چشم راست او شده، قرار است صبح امروز اجرا شود. این دومین پرونده حکم قصاص چشم است که به مرحله اجرا می‌رسد. پیش از این جوانی به‌نام مجید که متهم بود روی صورت آمنه بهرامی اسید پاشیده، برای اجرای حکم قصاص چشم به بیمارستانی در تهران منتقل شد اما آمنه، او را در آخرین لحظات بخشید. مجید پس از آن به‌دلیل جنبه عمومی جرم محاکمه و به حبس و زندان محکوم شد که اکنون دوران زندان او به پایان رسیده است.
شاکی پرونده اخیر که داوود روشنایی نام دارد، ١٠سال قبل به‌دلیلی نامعلوم در منطقه مجیدیه تهران مورد اسیدپاشی قرار گرفت و چشم راستش را از دست داد و بخشی از صورتش آسیب دید. متهم بعد از دستگیری ادعا کرد داوود در دوران مدرسه او را اذیت می‌کرد اما مشخص شد این دو هم‌مدرسه‌ای نبودند. پس از آن متهم ادعا کرد داوود را با فردی دیگر اشتباه گرفته است و درنهایت مشخص نشد این اسیدپاشی با چه انگیزه‌ای رخ داده است. این پرونده با شکایت داوود به شعبه٧١ دادگاه کیفری استان تهران رفت و قضات با توجه به خواسته داوود، متهم را به قصاص چشم راست و لاله‌گوش‌چپ و همچنین پرداخت دیه بابت سایر جراحات محکوم کردند. حکم دیه در دیوانعالی کشور تایید اما قصاص عضو، نقض شد و پرونده دوباره مورد رسیدگی قرار گرفت که این‌بار نیز قضات همان حکم اول را صادر کردند و این‌‌بار دیوانعالی کشور حکم قصاص را تایید کرد.
آیت‌الله صادق آملی‌لاریجانی-رییس قوه‌قضاییه- اسفندماه سال گذشته با اجرای حکم قصاص فرد اسیدپاش موافقت کرد، اما نحوه اجرای حکم از موضوعاتی بود که باعث شد پرونده با موانعی مواجه شود.
سخنگوی قوه‌قضاییه دهم آذر امسال درباره دلایل به‌تعویق‌افتادن اجرای این حکم گفت: «دو مورد را اطلاع دارم که حکم آن قصاص عضو است و حکم نیز تایید و دستور اجرا صادر شده و در مرحله اجراست، اما برخی مشکلات مربوط به پزشکی در اجرای حکم وجود دارد.»
پس از آن دادستان تهران ششم دی با ارسال نامه‌ای به اجرای احکام دادسرای امور جنایی، خواستار اجرای هرچه سریع‌تر این حکم شد.
خودداری پزشکان از اجرای حکم، یکی از موانع در این پرونده اعلام شد، اما نورالله عزیزمحمدی، رییس شعبه٧١ دادگاه کیفری استان تهران به تسنیم گفت: «رای قطعی دادگاه باید اجرا شود، هرچند این مساله مربوط به اجرای احکام است و اگر پزشکی حاضر نیست حکم را اجرا کند باید موضوع به رییس قوه‌قضاییه اعلام شود.»
بحث‌ها در این‌باره ادامه داشت تا اینکه تسنیم خبر داد مقرر شده است حکم ساعت ٩صبح امروز در زندان رجایی‌شهر اجرا شود.
«داوود روشنایی» دیروز در این‌باره به خبرنگار ما گفت: «به من خبر داده‌اند حکم ساعت ٩صبح روز سه‌شنبه در زندان رجایی‌شهر اجرا می‌شود. اولویت من همان‌طور که بارها گفته‌ام درمان بوده و هست. از قربانیان اسیدپاشی حمایت نمی‌شود و من هم نخواستم از مردم کمک بگیرم چون صورت خوبی ندارد. در این ١٠سال کسی به من کمک نکرده است، نه دولت، نه خانواده اسیدپاش هیچ کمکی به من نکردند. عده‌ای از نیکوکاران اعلام آمادگی کرده و گفته بودند مبالغ خوبی پرداخت می‌کنند اما این کار را انجام ندادند.»
او ادامه داد: «من با آمنه صحبت کردم و او به من گفت در مدتی که این اتفاق برایش افتاده حدود پنج‌میلیارد‌تومان خرج کرده‌ است البته خرج‌های یک‌سال اخیر را هنوز حساب نکرده بود. به آمنه خدماتی ارایه شد و زمانی که او در اسپانیا بود دولت بخشی از هزینه‌هایش را پرداخت کرد اما او هم الان وضع مساعدی ندارد و چند وقت قبل از من خواست وامی سه‌میلیون‌تومانی برایش فراهم کنم چون هنوز نیازمند است.»
داوود در ادامه گفت: «با‌توجه به اینکه درمان نمی‌شوم حداقل می‌خواهم قصاص اجرا شود تا فردی دیگر قربانی اسیدپاشی نشود. ماجرای من و آمنه تقریبا همزمان بود. پرونده آمنه در شعبه٧١ دادگاه کیفری استان تهران بررسی و متهم به قصاص محکوم شد. آن زمان عده‌ای به من می‌گفتند این حکم نمایشی است اما آن حکم در دیوانعالی کشور تایید شد، همین اتفاق برای من هم رخ داد البته زمان بیشتری طول کشید. من بعد از ١٠سال به این زندگی عادت کرده‌ام، اما خیالم راحت است که حکمی که صادر کرده‌اند نمایشی نیست.»
روشنایی درباره نحوه اجرای حکم گفت: «در‌ این‌باره به من چیزی نگفته‌اند و در حکم هم چیزی در ‌این‌باره که قصاص با اسید انجام شود نوشته نشده است و فکر می‌کنم حکم با راه‌های پزشکی اجرا شود.»
این قربانی اسیدپاشی افزود: «دولت به آمنه کمک کرد. خود او کتاب نوشت و هرطور بود هزینه‌هایش را به‌تدریج تامین کرد، اما من نتوانستم این کار را بکنم بنابراین چاره‌ای جز اجرای حکم ندارم، اجرای حکم برای من درمان نیست اما اگر از زاویه‌ای دیگر به ماجرا نگاه کنیم اگر حکم اجرا شود این کار، درمانی برای قربانیان احتمالی اسیدپاشی در آینده و مانع از تکرار این جرم است. از قدیم هم گفته‌اند پیشگیری از درمان بهتر است و اجرای این حکم نوعی پیشگیری برای موارد بعدی است.»
ソース言語: ペルシャ語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Negligence man today Runs acid eye The eye of the man who is Accused of Negligence by splashing acid on the other man makes his right eye blindness, is scheduled to be executed this morning. This is the second eye is Negligence case Carried in. Before this Was in the name of a young Accused if the statement on Majid Bahrami acid splashes, to run the hospital in Tehran, Negligence Was Transferred to the eye but the last statement, he Gave moments. Majid Because then the public aspect of the crime and Tried Detain to prison and jail that's now his time has expired. The Plaintiff called the recent case of David lighting, unknown in the area prior to 10 years and lost the right eye Tehran reason Majidieh acid and part of his face Damaged. After the arrest of the Accused Claimed Was he bullied during the school of David, but it Became clear Were the two together in a school. After the Defendant Claimed to be confused with someone else of David and Ultimately failed to Specify how the Incentive acid has Occurred. This is the file with the complaint of David went to the Shbh71 of Tehran Penal Court and Judges According to the Demands of David, the Defendant the right to the left eye and Retribution as well as pay the Diyah Earlobe Condemned for other injuries. Diego in Penal sentence Confirmed Was he a member of Retribution, a Violation of the proceedings but that's the case file again, this time to the same sentence as the first Judges, and this time the Penal Negligence will be Confirmed. Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani-Judiciary-March last year Agreed with the execution of qisas Acid person, but that's how execution of the file Was Was Causing Obstacles Faced to be. A Spokesman for the Judiciary, 10th December this year about the reasons for the Delayed implementation of the Verdict, said: "two things I notice that's it is also a member of the Ruling of Qisas and approval Was Issued and Implemented in order to apply, but some medical problems relating to the implementation of the judgment there. » After the sixth, with the Prosecutor send a letter to the implementation of the Provisions of the Criminal Court Affairs, calling for the implementation of this Provision if it was faster. The implementation of the judgment of the doctors Refused, one of the Obstacles in this case Was Announced, but Noorullah Zyzmhmdy, head of the Shbh71 Tasnim of Tehran Penal Court the Court said: "the definitive vote should be run, however, the question related to the implementation of the provisions of the present Decree, and if not, run the medical must be subject to the head of the judiciary. " Continued Discussions about this until it has been 9Sbh Sanctioned by Tasnim hours today Rajayee Shahr prison in the run. Dawood lighting »to our reporter yesterday said:" I have given the news judgment of the 9Sbh hours on Tuesday in the rajayee Shahr prison runs . My preference, as I have said and been Repeatedly Treated well. acid of the victims is not supported and I also get help from people such as Nkhastem for good. This is not 10 years help me someone, not the Government, not to any acid family did not help me. Some of the Righteous Were said to have prompt and well paid sums, but did not do it. " He Continued: "I Talked to my statement in quite some time and he told me that's this Bill is going to Spend about five billion USD Spent, of course, has not had a still account recent years. To provide services and the statement When he was in Spain as part of his Government to pay the fee, but he does not have the status of a prosperous and now some time ago asked me I might provide some three million letter because it still requires. " D. more said: "Considering I do not treat that's at least want someone to be a victim of the attack was not run Retribution. The adventure almost at the same time and I Was Amena. Statement in the file Shbh71 in Tehran Penal Court and the Defendant Was Sentenced to Qisas. It's time for some to I said the sentence is Performing but it was Confirmed in the Penal sentence, the same Happened for me too, it took more time, of course, Occurred. I am Accustomed to this life after 10 years, but they have that's Convenient my mind it is not a Ruling Issued that's the display. » Illuminating about how to run the Verdict said: "tell me about this thing and that's thing about this Ruling is Qisas is not written to be Performed with acid and I think the way to run a medical judgment. " The victim statement added: "Helped the State acid. He wrote the book himself and was not done in its supply costs will Gradually, but I could not do this so I do have no choice but to sentence execution not cure me, but if you look at other angles to the story if the sentence is carried out, a possible cure for the victims of the acid in the future and Prevent the Repetition of the Offense. From Ancient times have said better treatment and prevention of the execution of the sentence is kind of the next items for prevention. "
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Today he Runs the acid Retaliation
Retaliation by splashing acid on another man, a man who is Accused of Causing blindness in his right eye, the morning run. The second case is the death sentence is Carried out. Before the young man who Was Charged in the case of Amina called Majid Bahrami acid, for Sentencing moved to a hospital in Tehran but Amina eyes, she Gave at the last minute. Because of the mass public trial and then Majid Was Sentenced to jail and prison, now he is dead.
Plaintiff David brightness recent case, is 10 years due to the limited Majidieh in Tehran Partici Acid Was Unknown To be honest before and eye, Damaged and lost part of his face. The Defendant Claimed that's after the arrest of David in school, but it was Bothering Was the Hmmdrs · hay him. This file complaints Tehran Penal Court Judges David down that road Shbh71 According to David Asked the Defendant to pay compensation for any injuries and death right eye Lalhgvshchp and Condemned. The Supreme Court upheld the death sentence of compensation, in violation of the re-examine the records that match the same judge issued a warrant first time, the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence.
Mlylaryjany-chief Ayatollah Sadeq Qvhqzayyh- March last year with Acid individual sentencing agreed, but the execution of the issues that caused Threatened to be the case.
I Qvhqzayyh Spokesman December Bhtvyqaftadn execution of reasons, "said the two cases I am aware that's the death sentence is also a member of the order confirmation and the command issued in the running, but some of the medical problems There's sentence. "
Then the sixth de Tehran prosecutor sent a letter to the criminal courts, called for immediate implementation of the sentence.
The doctors Refused his execution, one of the Obstacles in this case Was Announced, but Zyzmhmdy Aziz, head of the Tehran Penal Court Shbh71 Tasnim said, "The final verdict of the court shall, however, if the problem is related to the execution doctor will not be subject to execution Qvhqzayyh president said." The
debate on this issue continues Tasnim's until today 9Sbh prescribed in Rajai Shahr prison sentence hour run.
"David brightness" entry to our correspondent said yesterday: "I Rajai Shahr prison sentence Reported on Tuesday in 9Sbh clock is running. As I have said many times and priority treatment. Victims of the attack was not supported and I wanted to help people get as good if not. The 10 years is not going to help me, not the government, not the acid family did not help me. Some of نیکوکاران اعلام آمادگی کرده و گفته بودند مبالغ خوبی پرداخت می‌کنند اما این کار را انجام ندادند.»
او ادامه داد: «من با آمنه صحبت کردم و او به من گفت در مدتی که این اتفاق برایش افتاده حدود پنج‌میلیارد‌تومان خرج کرده‌ است البته خرج‌های last year it was still not considered. به آمنه خدماتی ارایه شد و زمانی که او در اسپانیا بود دولت بخشی از هزینه‌هایش را پرداخت کرد اما او هم الان وضع مساعدی ندارد و چند وقت قبل از من خواست وامی سه‌میلیون‌تومانی برایش فراهم کنم چون هنوز نیازمند است.»
David said: "Since at least I do not care to another person a victim of Retaliation for the attack was not Carried out. Amina's story and I Was almost at the same time. Amina case study in Shbh71 Tehran Penal Court Sentenced the Defendant to death. Some people told me it's time to play this sentence, but the sentence Was Upheld in the Supreme Court, the same thing Happened to me, however, took more time. I After 10 years in this life have come, but I am reassured which has issued an order that is not performing. "
Brightness about execution, "said the ruling on this issue has not been something I have done something about it that retaliation acid I think this sentence is written and performed by medical means. "
The victim of acid added: "The government has Helped Amina. He wrote a book Hrtvr costs will gradually be provided, but I could not do it so I have no choice but to execution, the execution is therapy for me, but if the Another angle to look into the matter if the warrant is executed, for potential victims of acid treatment in the future and Prevent the Recurrence of such a crime. The old saying prevention is better than cure and prevention of this order to the next. "
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
the attack was retaliation a today is implemented as soon as the verdict of the retaliation eye a man is accused by a man sprinkling acid causes blind right eye is performed this morning. This is the second case of Retaliation is eye Seems that's that's it is Enforced. Before subsidizing Was this youth that's Was Accused of over Amina Majid Bahrami Sprayed acid, for the implementation of the Verdict of the Retaliation Was Transferred to a hospital in Tehran to eye but Amina, him in the last moments. Majid that's after trial due to crime and public aspects Was Sentenced to prison and now he Was Condemned to the prison he is at an end .. Simplicity Recent case that's light Plaintiff David, 10 years, due to the unknown before in the region about the acid Majidieh a part of his face from Tehran and his right eye and Damaged. After the arrest Accused David during his school Claimed Was Hurt but clear, this two Hmmdrs·hay. After the Accused Claimed David with a person is Mistaken for another and finally the specific acid with what motivation has Occurred. This case with the complaint to David Branch 71 Tehran province criminal court and judges with regard to the demands David, accused in retaliation right eye and Lalhgvshchp and also pay the blood money paid for other injuries . The Verdict of the Supreme Court Confirmed member of Retaliation Violated in blood and money but that's the case again this time on Judges also the first time Issued and supreme court confirmed the verdict of the retaliation. Simplicity Ayatollah Sadegh Mlylaryjany- The head of the Qvhqzayyh- Esfand, last year with the implementation of the verdict of the individual retaliation for the attack was agreed, but the manner of the execution of the sentence of the subjects that made ​​case with obstacles. Simplicity reasons Bhtvyqaftadn The Spokesman Qvhqzayyh X Azar said this year about the Decree: The two on the i know it is a member of lex Talionis and the Verdict of the Confirmed and have been ordered and are Issued Implemented in the stage, but some of the problems related to medicine in the implementation of the verdict of the. "Simplicity public that's After Sending a letter to the Prosecutor of Tehran VI di by implementation of the Provisions of public Prosecutor of criminal, called for the execution of the sentence as soon as possible. Simplicity Physicians Refused to execute the sentence of one of the major obstacles in this case it was announced that Noorullah but Zyzmhmdy, the head of the Tehran province branch 71 criminal court to Tasnim said: "definite vote for Court must be Enforced, although this issue is related to the implementation of the Provisions of and if the medicine is not present to perform the issue should be to the head of the Qvhqzayyh will be announced. "Simplicitydiscussions in this regard continued until he تسنیم news has been determined the hours 9صبح رجایی‌شهر today in prison be enforced. Simplicity "David light yesterday in this regard to our reporter said:I have news of the hour 9صبح on Tuesday in prison رجایی‌شهر is implemented. I priority saves non treatment many times. The victims of اسیدپاشی support and is not I want people get as good.In this 10سال anyone help me, not the government, no family اسیدپاش no help to me. Some of the announced their readiness and had good sums paid by but this did not work. "As soon as he continued:
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