طبقه 21: آسياب هاي دستي براي مقاصد خانگي، ليوان دسته دار كه از فلزات ق翻訳 - طبقه 21: آسياب هاي دستي براي مقاصد خانگي، ليوان دسته دار كه از فلزات ق英語言う方法

طبقه 21: آسياب هاي دستي براي مقاصد

طبقه 21: آسياب هاي دستي براي مقاصد خانگي، ليوان دسته دار كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشد، آسياب دستي براي خرد كردن فلفل، سبد پيك نيك(قالب بندي شده)(شامل ظروف)، ظروفي كه عايق حرارت هستند، ميز اطو، كتري غير برقي، ظروف آشپزخانه كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشد، شيشه،كارنشده يا نيمه كارشده،بغير از شيشه مخصوص ساختمانها، رنده ها(لوازم خانگي)، شانه براي موها(دنده درشت)، كريستالها(ظروف شيشه اي، ليوان هاوفنجان هائي كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشند، ظروف سفالي، ظروف شيشه اي بزرگ، برس ها، رخت آويز براي خشك كردن لباس، چيني آلات، گلدان، قابلمه كه از جنس فلزات گرانبها نباشد، نمكدان كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشد، نمك پاش كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشد، سيم ظرفشوئي، هم زن، اسفنج براي مصارف خانگي، قنددان كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشد، بشقاب نهار خوري كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشد، قلم موي قيركاري دسته بلند، سرويسهاي چائي خوري كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشد، قوري چائي كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشند، سيني براي مقاصد خانگي كه از فلزات قيمتي نباشند، فلاسك آب گرم يا سرد،
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Ground floor of 21 domestic destinations: manual handle for the Cup, which is not the same metals, crushed or ground pepper for the manual, basket peyk Nik (formatted) (including containers), zrofi, which are heat insulation, electrical Kettle, non-steam iron table, kitchen utensils, which trades metals, glass, semi-karshdeh, karnshdeh or bghir of glass for buildings, grate (home appliances), comb for hair (coarser gear), kristalha (glass containers, made of the same metal cup not haofenjan, porcelain Sfali, large glass containers, brushes, for drying clothes, apparel avise Chinese machinery, vases, pots, which are made of precious metals of the same metals, nmakdan, salt is not noticeable from the spraying of metals, wire ظرفشوئي, female, for domestic purposes, which is not the same metals qanddan, plate lunch is not noticeable from the outside metals, ghirkari hair brush handle, metal trades services outside of the چائي, not the same metals that چائي kettles, for sini Domestic purposes not of the same metals, cold or hot water flask,
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Class 21: manual mills for domestic purposes, not mug of precious metals, hand mills for crushing pepper, picnic basket (formatted) (including containers), containers that are heat insulation, iron table, kettle non electrical, kitchen utensils not of precious metal, glass, Karnshdh or semi-worked, except glass for buildings, grated on (appliances), comb the hair (large gear), Crystal (Glass, glass Havfnjan by Metals not price, pottery, glassware, large, brushes, clothes hung to dry clothes, chinaware, pots, pans, which are made of precious metals, the precious metal salt is not salt shakers, not of precious metal, wires dishwasher, stirring, sponges for home use, not Qnddan of precious metals, plates of precious metals dining that is, long-handled brush Qyrkary, tea services of precious metals not drink, tea pot not of precious metal, trays for domestic purposes, not of precious metals, hot or cold water flasks,
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The 21:The mill hand for domestic purposes, glass was that of the precious metals, hand mill for reason of pepper, basket picnics, in molding), including vessels), the order wise are heat and iron is meanest, non-lightning, kitchen utensils of Metals, glass, كارنشده or half-set out and for prevention, bereft of special glass buildings, grated peel (domestic accessories), comb Hair for the large gear), crystals the vessels of glass, glass هاوفنجان that the precious metals, pottery, plate glass, BrushThere hanging dry for the dress, porcelain vases, قابلمه that the precious metals, نمكدان of precious metals, salt that evenly moistens the precious metals, silver ظرفشوئي, woman, sponge for domestic costs, قنددان of precious metalsPlate lunch giant of precious metals, brush قيركاري group, چائي service giant of precious metals, چائي Lean forward that the precious metals are not the tray. for domestic purposes that the precious metals are not فلاسك, warm water or cold,
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